Frequently Asked Question


UTUBELINK is a link shortening platform with deeplinking service to create links that open in apps.

Can I create deep links for any app?

UTUBELINK supports any app on iOS or Android. To Compose deep links to social apps other than YouTube like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger please contact us.

Is there an anything to install?

UTUBELINK is a cloud-based solution and doesn't require any installation , SDK or technical development.

How much does UTUBELINK cost?

UTUBELINK provides multiple plans including a customized one. Please Refer

How does UTUBELINK work?

The UTUBELINK platform uses a patented app detection system combined with the URL schemes in the app.

What is a URL scheme?

A URL scheme is a prefix to the destination that allows the page or feature in the app to be opened by UTUBELINK.

Do UTUBELINK links work from all web browsers?

Yes, UTUBELINK supports all browsers on iOS and Android including Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

Does UTUBELINK open apps from embedded browsers?

Yes, UTUBELINK links will open apps from embedded browsers including those found in Facebook, Instagram and other apps. You can also easily control the fallback destination for when the app is not installed from your Dashboard.

What information does UTUBELINK track?

Where does UTUBELINK send visitors when the app is not installed?

When the app is not installed, the visitor is sent to the mobile website or fallback destination which can be changed at anytime. The link can also be set to go to the app store for iOS or Android. Settings can be changed at any time even while the link is in production.

Can I use UTUBELINK links in display advertising, email, and paid search?

Yes, UTUBELINK links can be deployed in any marketing channel increase app engagement and downloads.

Why do I see an "app or web" choice page sometimes

The UTUBELINK choice page is a feature of the platform that lets your visitor choose between the app and the website. This is a setting for the link which can be changed at anytime. Contact us if you would like to turn the choice page on or off for one of your links.

Can I create a link for free?

We provide demo service that you can use for free

Is there any validity on these links?

No, once a link is created you can use that link until your account is terminated.

What if I don't like this product, can i get a refund?

We offer 100% any time money back guarantee for the unused service

How much time will it take to generate a link?

Links are created Instantaneously from our servers.

What should i provide to create a link?

Only the destination url of the link is required to create a utubelink

What if i need to change the destination url of a link?

You can change the destination url of the link from your dashboard

What if i need only one link? can I get a custom pricing?

Yes, Custom pricing is available for any requirements

How many links can i create

you can create unlimited number of links with customized plan

We are a Digital Marketing Agency, Is there any special plan available for us?

Yes, We do have customized plans for influencers and marketing agencies

Is there any limit on clicks?

We do provide unlimited clicks plan

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